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How to putt better - Becoming a complete golfer

Rushi Oza

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Are you looking to elevate your golf game to the next level? Mastering the art of putting is key to becoming a complete golfer. Putting may seem like a small aspect of the game, but it can make a huge difference in your overall score. In today's blog post, you'll learn the four components that are essential in helping you

learn how to putt better. Stroke mechanics (putter path and face), distance control, green reading and managing expectations are the key elements to becoming a complete putter and complete golfer.

Stroke Mechanics

Having a consistent path and face relationship is fundamental to becoming a successful putter. Consistency in your setup, ball position and aiming will ensure you make a stroke that stabilizes the putter head and putter face so you can deliver it at impact and start the ball on the correct line. Most golfers will benefit from feeling the arms connected to the side of the chest and utilizing this connection point to make the stroke versus using too much hands and wrists to manipulate the hit.

Distance Control

Controlling the distance of your putts is crucial for achieving a lower score and how you to putt better. To improve your distance control, focus on the length of your baskswing equalling the length of your follow through. The rhythm in your stroke also will play a critical role. Practice putting from 30' and 40' putting 5 balls into a 4'x4' wide box made of tees. Switch slopes and breaks and see how many of the 5 you can get into the box. This is the best drill to do at new courses you haven't played before pre round and will help you eliminate three putting.

Tips on how to putt better by Charlotte golf instructor

Green Reading

Reading the green effectively is a skill that separates average putters from great putters. Take your time to analyze the slope, grain, and any subtle breaks on the putting surface. Visualize the ball's path to the hole before making your putt. Trust your reading and commit to your line. Green reading is an art that requires practice, so don't be discouraged if it takes time to understand and implement the strategies.


Managing your expectations is essential for improving your putting game. Understand that not every putt will go in. PGA Tour average from 3' is close to 98% but from 8' the percentage drops to 52%. Learn from the misses and stay positive so you can maintain a confident attitude on the green. Remember, putting well is not just a physical skill but also a mental skill which will help you learn how to putt better.

Rushi Oza demonstrating how to putt better during golf lessons in Charlotte

In conclusion, to become a complete golfer, you must dedicate time and effort to honing your putting skills. By focusing on controlling distance, learning your stroke mechanics, mastering green reading, and managing your expectations, you'll be well on your way to transforming into a golfer that learned how to putt better.

Start putting like a professional today and see your golf scores get lower! 🏌️‍♂️✨

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