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What Causes A Slice In Golf

tips from the best

Golf instructor in Charlotte

The clubface is open to the path you are swinging on

Watch your grip to prevent a slice in golf during golf lessons in Charlotte.

1. Check Your Grip

Orientation of both hands & tension

A weaker grip (back of glove hand turned towards target and bottom hand turn on top of grip too much.  Too much tension and gripping in the palm.

2. Open Body Alignments

Body position points too far the left of target

Shoulders, torso, arms, hips, knees & feet are aligned too far to the left of the target for the right handed player and too far to the right for the left handed player

Open body alignment can cause a slice in golf. Learn proper alignment in Charlotte golf lessons.
Charlotte golf instructor teaching proper clubface takeaway to prevent slicing.
Rushi Oza demonstrating how clubface rolls open in golf lessons in Charlotte.

3. Clubface Rolls Open in the Takeaway

Clubface turns towards the sky in the takeaway

The clubface opening in the takeaway and the club getting out of position is detrimental to the swing.  It is crucial to keep the club on plane with a square club face at this point in the swing

4. Clubface Open at the Top of the Swing

Clubface is out of position at the completion of the backswing

The clubface is open at the top of the swing and the lead wrist will be cupped (extended)

Rushi Oza showing clubface open at the top of the swing during golf lessons.
Rushi Oza demonstrating swinging over the top of the plane during downswing in Charlotte.

5. Swinging over top of the plane to start the downswing

An open clubface forces a golfer to start the downswing with the arms and shoulders

A downswing dominated with the upper body will result in an over the top out to in swing causing poor contact and a fairly substantial loss of distance/power.

6. Clubface is open as you swing the club too far across your body at impact

Clubface is open the path you are swinging on

The relationship of the clubface position at the moment you contact the ball to the path you are swinging on is too big.  85% of the start direction of a shot is due to the clubface position presented at impact.

Rushi Oza demonstrating how clubface opens by swinging across the body at impact in Charlotte.
Rushi Oza demonstrating how to properly release the clubface in Charlotte golf lessons.

7. Releasing the Clubface

Clubface position in the follow through

The top hand should turn over through the strike to release the clubface naturally and keep the clubface from staying open through the impact interval.

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